Monday, April 1, 2013

Dapper Chap #4

After a long delay, I return to my Dapper Chap series, with the dashing Mr. John Akridge, of Pasadena, California.  Both he and his lovely lady Katherine--shown in the last two photos--wear vintage clothing with great elan, whatever the occasion. Delightfully dapper, non?  


  1. Great photos! I'm glad you decided to continue with this series, I love seeing these posts.

  2. Wow, they look absolutely delightful! I spot a kindred spirit when it comes to those woven handbags. Such great pics!

  3. I do love a dapper chap!! More please!!

    P x

  4. A chap who's dapper and his flapper!!! John and Katie are always perfection - rarely even a hair out of place!!!

  5. A chap who's dapper and his flapper!!! John and Katie are always perfection - rarely even a hair out of place!!!

  6. Yep, these two are the bee's knees. I'm glad to call them friends....and vintage style for miles, indeed :)

  7. beautiful images and styles. i love the bath one and may try that myself. love lucyx

  8. What a tremendously dapper chap! I'm so very glad you started this series. There are so many (relatively speaking) of us vintage lasses, that it can be all too easy sometimes to accidentally forget there are are a good many (wildly well dressed) gentlemen out there adorning themselves in yesteryear threads, too.

    ♥ Jessica

  9. Thanks, Jessica! Yes, there are a fair number of men who follow my blog and visa versa, so I wanted to address men's vintage style of dress, too :D

  10. Yay! John always looks so spiffy! He's a very good addition to your "dapper chaps."
    And a nice guy to boot.

  11. Damn what a fine pair and I love the bath shot! I need to fondle that green tweed jacket. xoxo
