Monday, December 27, 2010

The Kirsten-Carole Connection?

I'm probably going to get flamed for this one, but while I'm on the subject of modern couture with vintage appeal, I can't help but drool over Chanel's recent offerings.  More to the point, I gotta say that a certain Ms. Kirsten Dunst seems to have visually morphed into a modern day Carole Lombard of sorts with the aid of some drop dead gorgeous Chanel gowns of late.  Let me just say that that might be where the comparisons between Kirsten and Carole end.


Kim said...

I love the teal dress Kirsten is wearing, is it Chanel?

Miss Laurie of Old-Fashioned Charm said...

There are definite similarities including styles, facial features and hair lengths. I love the blue dress Kirsten is wearing, it's fabulous! Carole Lombard sure was heavenly! :)

Lauren said...

I agree. I think modern fashion is actually quite interesting right now.
I always love seeing modern fashions interpretations of vintage styles. Some are quite lovely, actually, and the gowns above are great!

Q's Daydream said...

I do love Kirsten.

BaronessVonVintage said...

Kim, yes, I believe both gowns are Chanel. Mr. Lagerfeld, I love you again!

Oldfashionedcharm: glad I'm not the only one to see a similarity! Carole was one of a kind, though, wasn't she?

Ditto on that sentiment, Wearing History!

I am going that way, too, Q!

Harlow Darling said...

That first gown is breath taking! I really do love Kirsten Dunst though, she may not be a good actress but she is so beautiful that it almost makes up for it...

Andi B. Goode said...

Oh, wow. Well spotted, Baroness! I can definitely see the connection. (I find Kirsten Dunst to be quite charming, too. =])
-Andi x

garofit said...

I can see some sort of 30s inspiration into the gowns, but not the way they are styled/ accesorized. I do like Kirsten Dunst myself, at times she looks positively stunning and elegant.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Both those gowns are wonderful, and I particularly like the fact that she has bothered to do her hair in the second photo ;)

BaronessVonVintage said...

To be fair, I do think Dunst has done a decent job in a few of her roles, but for me she just does not have the comic timing or "WOW" factor that Lombard had in her all-too-short career. Both Dunst and Lombard do perhaps have offscreen reputations that are somewhat parallel? One way or another, style-wise, I'm a huge fan of Kirsten these days!

Francy said...

Kirsten has always had a vintage vibe in her style!

lauren said...

heck, i am just happy to see Kirstin finally wearing a bra!