Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bohemian Beauties

Beautiful blogger Garofit's recent "bohemian" and "gypsyland" inspired vintage fashion posts reminded me of the beautiful embroidered blouses which were showcased in the May and June 1933 issues of La Femme Chez Elle.


  1. Great classic and beyond fashion. Always reminds me Matisse who painted several works of women in a peasant blouse..

  2. Gorgeous, baroness...

    (Just a reminder, please, please, please vote for your fellow blogger for a walk on on Mad Men).

    /shameless plug. ;)

  3. Amazing, I absolutely love bohemian influence!


  4. Gorgeous. Why don't we wear peasant blouses with pencil skirts these days? It looks so much smarter than with boring old jeans.

  5. OH, yes, you're right, Superheidi!

    Darlene: I've got yer back, doll. Have been voting and will keep doing so.

    THANKS, Lauren!

    Me, too, Syd!!

    Cheers, Andi!

    Penny: YES! I agree!
