Thursday, June 10, 2010

For the Record

My husband, Derrick, mentioned to me the other day that my suggestion to people that he's "not into vintage" is not exactly true.  His argument is that he has yet to find vintage from the 30s and 40s that will fit him (he's quite tall). We'll see about that.  Once my wardrobe is sufficiently complete, I'm going to start working on him ;).  Anyway, if you consider the fact that he has had INFINITE patience when it has come to driving me  to every vintage event and Anne location, not to mention that he has been the one who snapped many of the pics from these excursions, I think it is only fair to state, for the record, that my chap really IS into vintage....even if he doesn't wear it much.  D's birthday is coming up in just over a week, so as thanks and as part of his birthday boy wishes, I am posting some pics from HIS vintage day back in 2008, when he and his golf-addicted friends were over in Scotland for a once-in-a-lifetime golf holiday (I was working and have been to Scotland twice, each time for a month-long holiday, so didn't go on this trip).  I'm trying to convince him to start a blog, but it's not happening, so here's his 15 minutes of fame on my blog ;)  The location in the pics is the Hill of Tarvit, a mansionhouse and garden with accompanying golf course from the 20s or 30s(?), which I recall hearing was restored to its former glory after lying in disrepair since WWII (just looked at the website and it seems Hill of Tarvit is experiencing financial troubles again and has to close?!  In the mean-time, our friend Bill is the chap swinging the club on the hickory course website!!!)  This trio knew they were to be the first to golf the course on its opening day, so they planned ahead and brought vintage style "plus fours" for the occasion. Yes, they played their whole round with vintage hickory shaft clubs and leather balls.  Happy birthday, Monsieur Le Baron. ...and thank you for humouring all my silly, outlandish, vintage-obsessed whims!

(that's his "vintage photo" face...he's usually really happy ;))


  1. he's a Dapper Dan man for certain! And fair enough, men's vintage is harder to find than women's, at least in as far as I personally have experienced.

    I love the knickers! Just superlative on so many levels!

  2. I agree with Darlene, very dapper. And, my! Scotland sure is lovely!!

  3. Oh wow, it looks like fun! I never cared much for golfing myself, but, with "vintage" clubs and a location like that - I'd golf all day!

    I love the outfit too :)quite vintage...


  4. love love LOVE the golfing attire.

  5. that is one dapper mister you have there.

  6. What fun--and what better place for a guy to dress up in "vintage". I was just catching up on several posts--loving it! You have some seriously sweet ensembles!

  7. Beautiful pics and what's more to say about vintage golf attire, it's gorgeous and iconic!
    You have a lovely sympathetic husband that deserves all the credit for his involvement in your vintage life. Good luck with his wardrobe, I am trying to do that too for my husband, yet only have 2 coats so far.

  8. great! I see you advising me on dressing Mr M shortly! xx Poor lad, he's so not up for this, but i must admit secretly I think he is if you see what I mean....LOL's xx

  9. Beautiful photos!

    Baroness, whereabouts in Scotland have you been? I used to live in Aberdeen myself.

  10. LOVE it! The Hill of Tarvit is very close to me...and yes, it did close but the gardens are still open!

  11. Thanks, all! He's beaming from being called "Dapper"!! I agree that the chap deserves much praise for being so patient and supportive. I'm definitely very lucky.

    Riika: The first time I visited Scotland, we visited Glasgow and Edinburgh. My grandfather on my father's side came from Glasgow, so it was a sort of pilgrimage to visit the family roots. The second visit, I stayed with my friend's family near Stirling. We stayed a night over in Stranraer (sp?) before we headed over to Ireland.

    Debi: oh, that's so neat you live near there! Too bad about the closure--at least those beautiful gardens are still accessible!

  12. He looks very vintage!!
    My sweetie has the same complaint. He loves the look of the 30s & 40s, but has never foudn anything that fits!

  13. How fun is that! Those photos look great, must have been a great trip.

    I have the opposite problem from some of the other comment posters here about dressing men vintage. My Beau loves me in vintage, refuses to wear it himself. Maybe someday.

  14. This is such an amazing location :D
    love the pictures!
