Monday, May 31, 2010

Bathing Beauties

Good morning, lovelies!  I did not end up taking the 30s dress I found at the antique show this weekend out for its first airing due to a cracking headache caused by what I now think was mild heatstroke combined with mild hysteria brought on by the sight of such amazing antiquities on Saturday, so pictures will be forthcoming at a later date ;). Feeling almost back to normal today, but wish I could be frolicking on a beach somewhere like these lovely gals below (I've scored a pair of 1920s white beach shoes that I'm dying to try out)! Images from RhiannonMars on Flickr.


  1. wonderful collection of vintage bathing costumes.
    The hand tinted images add something magical to them.

  2. Beautiful pictures!!! It's hard to find good inspiration of 20s beachwear!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  3. Ohhh, I love these photos so much!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love hand-coloured pcs, i would have done this job if i had lived back then, I'm sure of it.

  5. very neat! can't wait to see your beach shoes - wish someone would reproduce those.

  6. Beautiful images, can't wait to see your shoes!


  7. the bathing beauties are lovely.

  8. Wow! I love how curvy they are. I like the one with the girl with long hair. :)
    Hope you feel completely back to normal soon!

  9. Beautiful photos, i wish i looked as good as these lovely ladies do!
    Get better soon! xx

  10. I agree that the beach shoes are FABULOUS and I totally wish Re-mix or someone would do a repro.! I'll be sure to post pics of 'em some time this summer!

    Kir, I totally agree that it's interesting to see the curviness of these ladies. I think that fashion illustrations from the 20s have given the illusion that the social ideal (and reality) was that the only desireable physique in the 20s was the "garconne" figure. Clearly, that is not the case. These were seen as slightly erotic postcards in their day, I'm sure, meant to reflect a particular form of ideal femininity that men (and women) were meant to see as attractive, so clearly the flat chested flapper idea is only one part of the story. ;)

    Glamour Daze, Miss Rayne, I TOTALLY agree that a big part of the charm here is the hand-tinting. I just adore the turquoises and pinks that the colorists used. Just so beautiful!

  11. Oh my, those photos are simply toooo fabulous!!! The bathing suits, the tinting, the body shape diversity - just wonderful :)

    xx Charlotte
    Tuppence Ha'penny

  12. great collection! they are stunning!

  13. These are great. But I'm in love with the gorgeous ballet style shoes.
    -Andi x

  14. those are 1920s beach shoes, Andi! Aren't they DARLING!? I just got a pair and hope to post pics of them soon!! xoox

  15. The shoes are all so great! Oh, the women are too!
    Aren't those suits are very, very revealing for the 20s. The woman in the photos may have not been allowed on some beaches, showing that much leg, right? I think so.

