Saturday, October 1, 2011


So, lately I've been working on expanding my etsy shop by branching into vintage menswear.  This may mean blog posts devoted to men's vintage now and then.  Today, I've been researching men's straw boater hats, as I have just acquired a lovely specimen for the Attic, so I thought I'd share some dapper chaps donning said dashing headgear.  What do you think: who wore it best?

Harold Lloyd

The Dapper Knapp Chap

Fred Astaire


  1. Ooh - such a hard decision! I know and love Lloyd and Astaire, but that Knapp Chap is quiteahunk, so I'm voting him!
    - Emily

  2. "blog posts devoted to men's vintage"? That's fine by me! ;-)

    Funnily enough I'm watching Fred sporting that very look in Flying Down To Rio as I type! As I wear glasses, however, I guess I look more like Harold Lloyd than Mr Astaire when I'm wearing my "skimmer". Still, it's all good!

  3. Knapp Chap, for sure! How exciting about the menswear. There seems to be a lack of things for the dapper man. can't wait to see your menswear posts!! x

  4. So exciting!! I love seeing men in boater hats, I think it looks so quirky and stylish! My vote is for the dapper knapp chap!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  5. Great hat! I wish it has big enough to fit my giant noggin!!!

  6. DEfinately Knapp Chap, I have to say though, seeing a man in a boater always reminds me of butchers.

  7. I think boaters and glasses don't really mix, personally. At least they don't in the photo you provide and with my Hubby Dearest, who wears contacts when he wears his boater. I'm sure that is my modern taste talking, though, and not my moderne taste.

  8. Chap!And yeah for expanding to mens fashion!Its so easy for men to dress better and such a shame that more don't.

  9. Hmmm, I'm not sure... that Knapp Chap is rather dapper!

  10. Knapp Chap is very smart, but it's got to be Fred, just because he's Fred.

  11. Stay tuned for more posts along these lines!

    Looks like the Knapp Chap takes the cake!

    I must admit I find Harold Lloyd immensely charming with glasses + boater, but as the other images have shown, a very dashing (though less quirky?) look is achieved. Too bad the season of the boater is waning here in the Northern hemisphere, but the Antipodeans shall be longing for boaters before long!
