Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Midnight in the Garden

This post was originally going to be centred around this 30s lace gown I'm trying to decide whether to keep or not, but I must admit I am shaken and saddened by the news that Diane, the founder and editor of Zelda Magazine passed recently. She was 31.  I never met this kindred deco dame in person (though I had had hopes of attending one of her Club Wit's End gatherings in NYC this winter), but she was the epitome of friendliness and generousity in our online exchanges.  Thanks for the inspiration, D. You will be missed, bright, beautiful spirit.


  1. Such horribly sad news :( I only met her once, but she seemed a truly kind and beautiful person.

  2. I love the light on the photo as well as the title of the post !

  3. So very sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.

  4. I was not aware of Zelda magazine until this post - so sad to have found out about it after the early death of the founder. Such a shame when someone young passes away.

  5. Prayers to her family. So young...so tragic! On a happier note that gown is amazing!

  6. Well, I was all set to gush about this stunning gown, but I'm so sad to hear of Diane's death. I didn't know her, but her "Style Like U" feature is one of my all-time favorite things. What a tragic loss.

  7. First: my thoughts are going out to her family and friends aswell. And I want to wish you all the strength, too. Losing a person, I know from experience very recently, is extremely painful. Especially one so young.


    You look absolutely stunning in that picture. As always. The colors of this gown are simply outstanding!

    Best regards,

  8. Sorry to hear about the sad news, the dress looks gorgeous on you.x

  9. My goodness! So young! My thoughts are with her family.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  10. Such sad news, and so tragic. Your dress is absolutely beautiful!

  11. Like Dakota I was about to comment on your gown. I had never heard of Zelda Magazine until this post. It is terribly sad. So young, and when I read her final post, with so much hope for the coming Autumn, I got tearful - for someone I've only just found out existed! But there you go - we are all connected.God bless and rest her.

  12. I had never heard of Zelda either but how sad for that young woman and her family.I googled what happened.
    I also agree that dress is gorgoeus on you and I think its a keeper!

  13. Yes, what an inspiration: Dakota, thanks for mentioning her Style Like U feature:


  14. Like a few other commenters, I hadn't really heard of Zelda (or I had, and just never focused on it?). But this is such sad news...

    The dress is gorgeous--and I think fitting as a tribute to a lady who was obviously passionate about that era's style!

  15. That's so sad, my second blogpost ever was on the 2nd issue of Zelda and it all had Diane's personal touch.

  16. Thanks for mentioning the link of Stylelikeu, it's a lovely portrait.


  17. I love the dress! It would be perfect for a garden midnight party :) If I were you, I would keep it!

  18. Oh my God! I'm way behind in my blog reading, so I'm only seeing this now but that's incredibly sad...I met her this summer in the bathroom at a party The Wit's End, Dances of Vice and Champagne Riot helped me to put on. Tragic.
