Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Deauville Dreams

Just can't get Seeberger's Deauville babes (and early 30s resort fashions in general) outta my head, so, on a whim, dashed together a feeble attempt to emulate even one ounce of the chic coolness of these 30s Riviera goddesses. Aww, I was just messin' around!

Trousers: Heyday
Knitted Cap: Greetz from Tiz


  1. Great stuff! I was thinking along the same lines - it's all I'm thinking of, really, in terms of fashion when summer comes - sadly we don't have a summer here. Last night I improvised a skirt from a top, dreaming of heat for today and a "resort" look, but instead of the pretend Riviera, I'm wearing thick tights and knits... Uuuuhh!

  2. um, if this were in black and white you'd be a shoe-in for a Seeberger photo op!

  3. Love it! I could definitely see you sitting by the Riviera sipping a long, tall drink. :)

  4. Well hon, if that's you just messing around - WOW!! You look splendid, cool and gorgeous - I love your garden so much!! Gah! The skull cap and scarf are freaking gorgeous!! xo

  5. Love the ensemble! Very French Rivi or Coco Chanel! I was just going to post some pics from my recent fashion show. French Riviera inspired!


  6. Oh so lovely! The pink hat is adorable, such a lovely shade!
    - Emily

  7. very nice outfit... love sailor spirit clothes.

  8. Oh wow those look absolutely fabulous on you! I love how you paired the cap from Tiz, I have the blue version of it so I might have to try this...

  9. In no way is this "feeble"! You look quite elegant; actually, this outfit reminds me of Ms Chanel herself!
    I have a pair of 1940s white sailor slacks currently languishing in my mending pile, and after revisiting those amazing Deauville scans, I'm inspired to fix 'em up right away!

  10. Oh, goodness! THANKS for your lovely words! I rarely wear trousers anymore, so I really wanted to find a way to work them into a fun outfit. I wasn't sure if the scarf and stripes were too "much." Ah, c'est la vie! Thank you all for stopping by!

  11. You look smashing as always. Love the jaunty beret.

  12. you look so chic and glamorous! i love the stripes and polka dots.

  13. You really do look effortlessly glamorous! I love the dots and stripes combo!

  14. What a babe!! and Scarves and stripes are NEVER too much!

  15. Gorgeous, your trousers are so nice! I wish I owned even one pair of trousers.. :D

  16. Wow, that is gorgeous! I love this kind of breezy, effortless style, and you've done it so well! I also love how you mixed patterns, I can never make it work but this looks amazing.

  17. One of the most favourite outfits I've ever seen you in - you look good in trousers!

    Miss P xx

  18. You do look chic and glamorous!!! :)

  19. Now all you need is a boardwalk and one of those huge stripy beach umbrellas (and maybe a pair of greyhounds)!

    I adore Breton t-shirts and I've wanted a pair of those Heyday trousers for a while. I think I need to just cave a get a pair!

  20. Absolutely lovely M'Lady! You look like you should be on a deck chaise on the Queen Mary already!

  21. wow, thanks again for all these generous comments!!!

  22. You nailed it, you look so cool and elegant love it x

  23. love it,so looks perfect on you
