Monday, July 4, 2011

Back Yard Glam-ping

After being back home long enough to count the actual number of mosquito bites accrued during our camping trip, I am reminded that backyard glam-ping is the best camping of all :). Besides being virtually insect-free, one can wear vintage (white linen vintage, no less). Erm, okay, excuse me as I go back to trying to create my own little faux-Riviera experience in the yard, with the aid of the new canopied swing & some good reads (including the Land Girl-related book, "Sucking Eggs," alongside the first contemporary magazine I've bought in a LONG time...Elle Canada).  Happy 4th of July to my American friends! :) PS: does anyone know why my photos are uploading all pixelated lately? I never had this problem before--didn't change a thing on my computer or camera.  Wonder if it's a blogger issue/change??

Outfit details: 1930s linen skirt; 1930s inspired plaid halter top.


  1. You look great! Blogger has been having a bunch of photo issues, it could be. I just have problems with getting them posted to blog after uploading...they keep issuing a fix, but it is still an issue. Oh and do try the Off brand clip on bug repellant. Not stylish, but works!

  2. I can't explain why but I am having the same problem with the small images on my blog, but when you click through to the larger versions they are fine.

    Love the check material in your halter top by the way.

  3. simply gorgeous! Looks like it calls for a Pimms!

  4. Ooooo, what a lovely outfit!! I wish I had a swinging chair in my back garden to read on!

    Kitty x

  5. Thanks for the info on blogger (and the kind words on the post), gals! The fabric is from the Happy Camper line of fabrics...I actually have plans to make kitchen curtains in this same 30s inspired plaid (AND I already have another blouse in the same fabric, too). CLEARLY, I have an obsession with it!

    Ruby: I thought I had used the spray Off liberally, but missed my ankles, so they are polkadotted with bites. MUST look into the clip on thing. Thanks!

  6. Ugh my pictures look awful right now too. I thought it was my crappy computer screen but maybe it's a blogger issue if others are having trouble as well.

    I really do like reading contemporary magazines every now and then. My favs are Vogue (I LOVE high ridiculous) and National geographic :)

  7. ugh- I hate mosquitoes. definitely up for the the elegant lifestyle of reading in the backyard!

  8. Another lovely outfit!! The swinging chair looks perfect for relaxing with a good read :D

  9. this outfit is so fantasic & flattering!

  10. Thanks, dolls! That swinging chair was a birthday present for the mister from my in-laws, but I've pretty much annexed it, especially when I found out it can recline into a swinging bed type dealie. Hello, chillaxing!!!!

  11. I really love this outfit. =D Backyard glamp-ing sounds good to me!
    -Andi x

  12. Reading in a shaded swing is my idea of perfection....without the mosquitoes of course!

  13. Oh I love the blouse!!!! Backyard Glamp-ing is the best way to "camp" to me!!!

  14. I love that halter top! So cute!

    We ended up not going camping this weekend which is just as well, as it was ridiculously hot here on Saturday.

  15. You look so glamorous! :) I really love that halter top. I keep avoiding the outdoors entirely because of the bug issue... Bug spray seems to do nothing to the mosquitoes we have here! Ugh!

  16. Love your outfit! I'm jealous of your shaded swing. I don't think I sold the idea of one well enough to the husband this year. One hasn't magically appeared in my lawn... :-/

    I'll have to check out the book--sounds like it would interest me!
