Sunday, May 15, 2011

Run Girl Run!

Hello, lovelies! Seems like I've been neglecting the blog lately.  Dull weather is making outfit posts quite difficult.  Oh well!  On the upside, I went for a lovely hike in the woods today.  While in my sporting mood, I came across the cutest little jersey outfit online that apparently is part of a vintage late 1920s track/athletic outfit.  Looks just like the one worn with a belt and black shorts by a young Carole Lombard in "Run, Girl, Run"!  Gosh, even the athletic wear was cuter in the 20s! Speaking of vintage gym/workout wear, I snagged an adorable 20s/30s bloomer-legged gym outfit recently. Can't wait to wear this garment (with middy over top, no doubt) once the weather cooperates! In the mean-time, a link to more on gym suits

Source: ebay


  1. omg i have been so into vintage gym wear too lately! the other week i bought a really cute gym uniform dress from the 40s that i cant wait to wear. love these pictures!!

  2. Love it, need to see this film too! x
