Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blossom Hunting & an Early Summer Knit Fit

Around here, the Victoria Day long weekend marks the unofficial beginning of summer.  Happily, the weather today was magnificently summer-like, which caused many of the trees to finally blossom.  To celebrate the harbingers of summer, the mister and I drove to the beautiful town of Dundas to hunt down some photogenic places with blooms nearby.  Being one who always loves an excuse for dress-up, I donned a top to toe 30s look directly inspired by my beloved knitting and crocheting pattern book ladies (hat is 30s crochet, top is 30s knit [with what I think is also crochet--or lacy knit?], skirt is 30s linen, shoes 30s leather hehe)!  Hurrah for summer! Hurrah for knitwear! Hurrah for outdoor outfit photos!


  1. You look gorgeous, I love the hat. Glad your getting nice weather! x

  2. Hurrah for no more rain! Lovely outfit, glad the weather co-operated!!

    Miss P xx

  3. I love everything about this look, simply gorgeous. The top is amazing, so pretty! Like many other 30's crochet/knit junkies, I have been coveting those dresses, particularly the one on the far right, for what it seems like a lifetime. You are so lucky to come across these goodies...Speaking of which, isn't that hat a fairly recent ebay buy? If so, it seems that you may be the one who snatched it from me :)

  4. So pretty! LOVE the knit top! The way the sleeves fall is so beautiful!

  5. Aw so beautful! That sweater is gorgeous, so pleased summer has come your way. It's a beautiful day here today so i'm off outside to make the most of it. Have a lovely Saturday x

  6. What a perfect 1930s outfit. Aren't the sleeves just divine?!!! Love the location too - I'd love to see some pics of you in B&W xo

  7. Gorgeous knit, it's such a lovely shade of coral and the fluttery sleeves are wonderful!

  8. Fan-dabby-dozy outfit. What could be better than a woolly, white linen and 30’s accessories- it can’t be beaten in my eyes! I have to say I idolize the ladies (and men!) in my knitting patterns more that I do the film stars- I want to be just like them… well like the girls, not the men folk- hehehe! Tups x

  9. thank you, lovelies!!! I do love flutter sleeves..and on a knit? I'd never seen such a thing before!!

    Tickety Boo: I feel the exact same way!!! Those "crochet dames" as I call them just exude pure perfection!!!

    garofit: I did buy it on the "bays," but thought it was one of those "buy it now" dealies. If not: I guess I'd say: so, YOU are the one who tried to snipe it heheheh. I'd say sorry but that's the name of the auction game, isn't it? :)

    Pull Up Your Socks: thank you! I haven't done any b & W's. Must try some! x

  10. You look so lovely! Have a happy long weekend. I think we/I/you should get some crafty crocheter to get to work on more tops like that one as I could use at least 1 in my collection! And sound like your other followers could too. Sounds like a win-win for all.

  11. You look simply divine! Such a gorgeous outfit, darling.

  12. I love that shade of peach on you--it's positively dreamy!

  13. You look stunning! What a beautiful outfit.

  14. Just lovely! I've never been much into the vintage knits before, but you've definitely helped change my mind about that. I agree with everyone, your sleeves are lovely!

  15. You look so authentic -- like you really stepped out of the 30's!

  16. I love it! That peach color looks beautiful on you. I am so envious of all of your lovely knits. You look gorgeous in them all!

  17. Yay for being outside!! I'm tired of all this rain. Lovely outfit.

  18. You look so lovely!! Those 30s knitting pattern books are the bane of my life, I wish I could look half as sleek and elegant in a crochet dress as those smug models, hehe. You totally look like the lady on the first cover!

  19. Ooooh your outfit is simply delightful!!

  20. beautiful beautiful beautiful!! pastel colours are made for you

  21. You look very elegant. I love your hat in particular.

  22. Gosh, you are always so gorgeous! These pictures are lovely, that outfit is wonderful!! That top and hat are especially great.
    - Emily

  23. Oh how fab, your sleeves are just the same as those on the desk picture. Fantastic colour matching too ;) xx

  24. That pink top is absolutely fabulous! Gorgeous outfit!

  25. So cute! I'm so envious that you are having summer. We are about to have long, sucky winter here, and I don't like wool even if it comes in cute vintage garments!

  26. such kind words. you are all too kind!! Thank you!!

    Dreamstress: ah, soon enough I'll be complaining about the heat and humidity and longing for autumn :P

  27. ...It totally is part of the game! And truth be said you are making these pieces justice. Nobody rocks this look the way you do, with so much grace and understated elegance.

  28. I really do believe you get even more lovely with each post, sweet dear. This soft, elegant outfit is positively gorgeous and entirely perfect for the May long weekend (we had a massive thunder storm down Toronto way for it, and alas, are still waiting for most of the trees to blossom - soon I hope!).

    Happiest (unofficial) start of summer, my friend!

    ♥ Jessica from Chronically Vintage

  29. I'm loving the lovely & sweet colour of your top !
