Monday, April 25, 2011

Wallis & the Lobster Quadrille

Speaking of Wallis, I can't help but feel this 1930s crepe rayon dress which I have just added to the shop might have been something W.S. would have worn. Maybe it's the high neck (a style she often wore) or the Schiaparelli-lobster-dress orange-red colour that gives me this idea.


  1. I'm fascinated by Wallis - new book in my Amazon basket waiting for publication, That Woman by Anna Sebba - and I'm sure that dress would have been just her cup of tea (size 000, natch). G.Paltrow irritates me, and I've gone off Glee a bit too, but will prob. watch Madonna's WE movie out of curiosity ... I think Wallis' enduring strength was in her silence (celebs & royals today should pay attention!) - and I fret about her last years (so many of them) in that house with that notaire.... sorry this has turned into an essay! Your posts do this to me :)

  2. I *love* the lobster dress. I seriously need to learn silk painting.

    Your dress is very her! Gorgeous color.

  3. Oh my gosh, that red dress!!! I'm speechless!

  4. The dress is gorgeous, I am rather excited about the Wallis film that Madonna is directing, especially considering all the designers that are involved. She was indeed an intriguing woman.

  5. it looks like her wedding dress (which by the way I LOVE)
