Monday, April 4, 2011

A "New" Frock & Remembering Adele

When I saw this perfect 30s dress on Etsy, I knew I had to make it mine, especially since I had just sold a heartbreakingly amazing, but too-large-on-me, 30s cotton frock days before.  Anyway, the "new" frock arrived today, which is the anniversary of the passing of my grandmother, Adeline (or Adele), who was a very big part of my life until I was 20.  To mark the otherwise bittersweet occasion, I thought I would do an outfit post in her honour, as I just know she'd get a kick out of the fact that I am madly in love with the very sorts of frocks she made and wore as a teenager during the "Hungry 30s."  Besides, she was pretty much responsible for sowing the seeds of my current vintage dress- and shoe-obsessed state (you should see all the pictures of me dressing up in her clothes as a little girl heh).


  1. I think we'd all like to see those pics of you as a little girl dressing up in your Gran's clothes!!

    Lovely dress, a nice tribute on this big day for you.

    Miss P xx

  2. That dress is lovely, you look amazing. x

  3. Oh my goodness that is the most perfect dress! I also love thinking that my grandmother wore similar clothes to me when she was my age

  4. What a sweet coincidence! That dress is fabulous; I love the big buttons and lace trim. Your picture looks like it could be from the 30s, too!

  5. That's an incredible dress! I agree. I'd love to see pics of you in your grandmother's clothes too!! :)

  6. That dress is pure deliciousness! You look just gorgeous, as always. I love all the fun prints/ruffles/dots. It's utter perfection!
    I love your stories of your grandmother than you share. She seems like a wonderful woman and you're so lucky to have been so close with her.

  7. Oh goodness that looks fabulous on you! Mine from the same seller arrived this weekend and it's in fantastic condition as well, but it's too heavy for me to wear right now in the Texas heat. I'll have to wait till winter to do a post on it then....

  8. Oh! I thought of you when I saw that dress! Beautiful! And a nice tribute :)

  9. Beautiful dress, and how wonderful to of had such an inspiring woman in your life.

  10. thanks, lovelies! I wish I had a scanner. I'll see what I can do in the way of posting some of my "dress up" pics. I must forewarn that several of them include photos of my brother in "drag" (we used to put on little costume plays for my grandparents and often, my poor brother had to wear gram's dresses, too, as most plays I composed had only female characters!! LOL)

  11. sweet...yay for family!

    (still hankering after your green shoes....)

  12. My Nanna died on my 20th birthday.

    The post is a lovely tribute to your grandmother :)

  13. Oh, that's a great dress -- so nice to remember your grandmother by. I love here name, btw.

  14. Oh boy! What a great dress. And a very lovely tribute, too.
    -Andi x

  15. Beautiful dress! Such a sweet post!!

  16. Love the dress, it's a perfect style on you, absolutely delicious!

  17. Your new dress is simply de-lish- fantastic print, style and details… a cracking combination with your green shoes- perfection.
    I think its wonderful how influential grandparents can be- seeing their photos and hearing their stories most certainly gave me the fascination for the 20’s-30’s and 40’s.
    lovely post. Tups x

  18. Ooh that dress is lovely. And I adore the name Adele. I bet your grandmother was a classy lady.

  19. thanks again for all these amazing comments! My grandmother was definitely a special woman. Really hard-working and amazingly talented self-taught seamstress and she worked part time in the children's shoe department of a reputable department store, so boy was I lucky due to all the wonderful dresses she made me and matching shoes she often bought me. Of course, she also taught me some very important skills and values that I am SO grateful for now!

  20. What a lovely way to honor your dear Grandmother!! The dress is fab!

  21. Thats a fab dress, looks like you have continued your childhood dressup fantasies in you adult life:-)

  22. What a great find--and so nice that it arrived so you could do an outfit post honoring your grandmother. She sounds like she must have been a lovely lady! :)

    ♥ Casey

  23. Oh you got that one, hooray! I saw the listing and fell in love! You wouldn't be offended if I tried to replicate it would you??

  24. thanks, all!
    Miss Rayne: yup, I've been a dress up diva since way back! :)

    nudeedudee: please do replicate so more can enjoy the beauty of this design!

  25. Oh my goodness! That dress! Swoon! Lucky you!
