Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Knit Set for Sale

Too cold and rainy to do any outfit posts, so have once again delved into my personal collection in an effort to "thin" the herd.  To whit, I have begrudgingly decided to sell this amazing 1930s two piece knitted set.


  1. sigh...what a thing of beauty that is. the knits get me everytime.

  2. OHHHHH GOD HAVE MERCY! ...In my best color, and would fit too...

  3. That's a lovely dress!
    Also, I've mulled it over all morning , and I've come to the conclusion that I have to follow your blog; it's so great! I don't want to lose it in the sea of blogs that are out there:)

  4. Baroness, you'll probably think I'm a lunatic but how about telling you that last night I had a dream about meeting you in person, complimenting you on your most amazing wardrobe and telling you what a model you've been for me, and then asking you about your experience as a vintage seller. how about that?!

  5. Thanks, Lauren and Andi. Me too. Knits are my cryptonite.

    garofit, I DO do layaways heheheh

    iz bakinog ormara: wow! I am so flattered! That is beyond sweet!! xox
