Monday, April 18, 2011

Cheery Crochet for a Gloomy Day

Blergh! We've had such erratic weather lately! One minute it's spring and the next we're contending with yet another winter snow storm!  Strange weather meant a cozy weekend near home. This gave me opportunity to take out some spring items I acquired over the winter, gaze at them, pat them, then try some of them on and begin strategizing outfit ideas.  I'm particularly looking forward to wearing this 1930s yellow with brown cotton shell-patterned crocheted dress.  It's got these amazing covered swirl buttons on the shoulders.  The only thing missing is some sort of belt and maybe a hat?  Hurry up, Spring! I want to be reclining outside in the sun, like the crochet dames in the images below, not languishing inside!


  1. Such a cutie! Love the pockets! As for the bateau neck line with big buttons on the shoulders, I've been thinking to have something like that made in a future knitting project. The horizontal lines should be very flattering as they'd balance out my long face. So thank you for this further inspiring little number, the timing couldn't have been better!

  2. What a lovely gown! Oh what I would give for even frozen precipitation right now! It's been so dry here and now there are wildfires everywhere. I wake up every morning to ash covering the leaves of my garden plants. Maybe some spring rain will come soon... I can only hope!

  3. I have those patterns! I bought them hoping that someday I would learn to knit and crochet... It hasn't happened yet, but I still love to look at the pictures! That dress is beautiful, and it looks wonderful on you! I especially like the trim detail on the sleeves and the little pockets.

  4. thanks, gals! Nabby, I obviously bought copies, too, but still such a beginner with crocheting that I'm glad I found this the rate I'm going, I'll be 90 by the time I am able to make a complete frock! :) nice to dream and aspire, though!!!

  5. It looks great! I think some hat would suit very well with it :)

  6. Wow wee that’s a smashing little frock- especially like the colour and the shoulder line. Well actually I like everything about it and it suits you perfectly. I am going to have to knit a dress- it’s a must! Tups x

  7. Looking gorgeous, I love the sleeve detail! x

  8. Oooh I love that! I can commiserate on the weather, as it snowed here today. Ugh.

  9. Oh boy that dress is AMAZING!
    -Andi x

  10. The weather has been very interesting here in Southern California as was soo nice on the weekend but as Monday rolled around, it became gloomy, as if it might rain..bleh!

    I recently got a dress in pastel yellow, maybe if I wear it, the sun will come out. I've always wanted to make a crochet dress..perhaps a summer project! Yours is very pretty and I adore those shoes! I really like peep toe shoes but the openings are so large in most..I prefer a smaller opening.

  11. Wow!!!!!!! Totally impressed :D

  12. Ah...I have such a love/hate relationship with your crochet posts! I love them SO much, but I hate that I can't own every single garment you post!
