Friday, April 8, 2011

Candy Coloured Spring Things

In the summer, I crave more streamlined and sporty deco clothing.  However, in the early spring, I am drawn to the pastel candy colours and ethereal clothing of the late 1920s to early 1930s.  Lavender, celadon green, peach, blush pink, pale blue....the more like a box of french macarons or a basket of Cadbury's Mini Eggs a frock or hat is, the better!!  Case in point, I couldn't resist the early 30s hat shown in the middle here (which was on sale for spring--even better!). The hat seems like it might go a little too perfectly with the early 30s celadon gown in my shop, so if it doesn't sell soon, I may re-hoard :). Actually, Myrna, my hat form, may end up wearing the hat for a long while, so I can gaze at it displayed on "her," while I'm working in my home-office.  By the way, I've got another late 20s/early 30s organdy number in the shop, that I have just reduced the price on.  Sigh--I love such frocks that look like they fell from a 30s technicolour film.   Anyway, I hope to be wearing some candy colours this weekend...and hope to have photos galore to share Sunday or Monday.  In the mean-time, here's an outlandishly fun clip of the amazing (but, in some circles, historically controversial) Eddie Cantor, accompanied by several gorgeous human meringues; following that, I've embedded a video of a saucy song and dance number, "Check Your Husband," from 1932's "Over the Counter." Getta load of those Pre-Code costumes! I assure you I will be much more clothed in my upcoming candy-coloured outfits! Happy Friday!


  1. Oh, Baroness you've outdone yourself!
    You alway have the best stuff, but these two videos are fabulous!
    "a sofa gives more comfort than a kitchen chair"

  2. Spring is a good time for frilly, Easter egg colored ensembles :)

  3. I've always loved the lyrics of Making Whooppee - so dry

  4. glad you enjoyed, "What-I-Found" :)
    I agree, Stephanie!!!

  5. dying! so scrumptious and frothy (hmmm...drooling on chiffon might be hard to clean...)
