Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring on Wheels

Since today marks the first day of spring where I am and the snow is finally all gone, I knew it would be the perfect day to take the amazing vintage style bicycle my husband bought me for Christmas out for its first spin.  In retrospect, I'm not sure I should have opted to "off road" it, but there is this path near my house between two farmers' fields that I have been wanting to explore since I moved to this town a few years ago. In the end, my tires were sort of flat from sitting in storage all winter, and there wasn't much to view at the end of this mysterious path (all I saw was some old farm equipment); still, the jaunt has made me very excited for many lovely bike rides to come!  Happy spring!!!! Oh, and yes, I am wearing the Nudeedudee 30s style dress (which I got for my birthday last year) with socks & sandals/shoes. Have been wanting to try out this 30s style for a while.  Glad I did, too, as my toes would have ended up cold and muddy!


  1. You look adorable! I'm glad that your snow is finally gone!

  2. You look smashing... I'm loving that dress, and sandals and am rocking the sandals and socks x

  3. I love it!! You look so elegant with the bike too, beautiful pictures!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  4. Wow, gorgeous bike and dress! And you are charming as always. I wish it was that warm in Britain too! I covet all the summer styles now, but alas don't belong to the sang froid variety that can strut it out there already, I am unfortunately more the kind that would wear extra sweaters in the summer...And old woman, my friends mock me.

  5. Aww your bike is so beautiful, what a lovely colour. xx

  6. Lovely dress, lovely bicycle, lovely days to come indeed! I can't wait to get my bike ready for spring. It too has flat tires and I need to get the back break fixed. And a helmet would be good. Oh, and a bike lock. Lots to do to be biking ready!

  7. LOVELY photos! Looks like you had fun....Happy Spring!

  8. That bicycle is fantastic! Glad it's finally starting to warm up!

  9. aw, thanks all! This bicycle was the best surprise Xmas prezzie EVER. My husband bought it while I was out of town, hid it in our neighbour's shed, and then snuck it into the house after I was asleep on Xmas eve (he made an excuse about wanting to stay up downstairs and watch tv). I came down to the living room on Xmas morning and did a double take when I spied this bicycle with a HUGE red bow on the seat "under" the tree. We had said we weren't doing presents this year. I screamed and jumped up and down like a 5 year old. Now, old Blue and I are going to have some fantastic adventures this summer, for sure. I can already imagine the front basket being filled with local apples from the orchard down the road this August. wheeeeeee! xoxo

  10. kind thanks re: the outfit comments, too. Must admit this is my more casual look. Just noticed the dress is sort of clinging to the derriere in awkward way. Oh well, it's a SUNDAY! It's SPRING! This is one of my favourite dresses for this kind of weather for sure.

  11. the bicycle is superb, as is your outfit x

  12. Love the socks and sandals look. I think I need to try it for Autumn (Fall in US speak).

  13. So cute! I actually like socks and sandals, even though many consider the combo a bit of a FFP. I say 'phooey' to that!

  14. Oh gorgeous pictures! Love your dress, and somehow that bike suits very well to that milieu, beautiful :)

  15. You will always and forever be a vintage muse for me and the world. Keep on doing what you're doing, missus. Hugs from Chicago...

  16. Wow, congrats on the warm weather already! That's great that you got out on your bike, it's super cool. Looking totally cute Gal!

  17. oh, thanks again!

    nudeedudee: well, it's warmer than it WAS, but just when I was ready to put all my coats away, the temperatures dropped a bit again, so gotta put the outerwear back on again! At least the snow is gone!!

    Andi, Louise: I'm planning on wearing the S n S look again! Louise, you should try it! :)
