Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan Relief

Being a vintage fashion blogger, it is unsurprising that most (if not all) of my posts are centred around the topics of vintage clothing and the like.  In my "real" life, however, I care about a lot of other subjects.  Of course, the most troubling of topics at forefront of many of our minds right now is certainly the state of Japan.  I just wanted to note that I am going to be donating 20% of all shop sales from March 18th-25th to the Red Cross "Japan Earthquake/Asia Pacific Tsunami" fund.


  1. bravo, Baroness! and the photo is awesome.

  2. What a lovely gesture, Baroness!

    Such a beautiful photo too.

  3. The news is still sinking in for me. All the posts I have done since the disaster have been in draft for ages. I have not felt much like writing :(

  4. thank you iz bakinog ormara, Riika; I've been sitting here immobilised by fear and despair, and at a loss as to what I could possibly contribute. It's not much, but hopefully every little bit can help??

  5. LandGirl1980: yes, it's so hard to go along acting as if it doesn't feel like the sky is falling

  6. that is really a sweet gesture of you...
    have a good weekend, greetz

  7. you are a class act baroness! thanks for being a role model and an inspiration. also,this photo is spectacular. the model is so pretty and i want that dress.

  8. Bravo, such a sweet gesture
    to such a tragic , life changing event.

  9. I'm a little bit too late but I really wanted to say how great what you did is. I live in Japan, and have been a huge fan of your blog and your Etsy shop for a couple of years now, so I wanted to say how sweet it is!
