Thursday, March 3, 2011

Holiday Designs

We've been scheming and dreaming over here for months regarding a possible cruise in the late spring which will take us to parts of Italy and France.  In a few weeks, we will know for sure whether or not it will all pan out.  In the mean-time, I've been poring over fabulous 30s resort fashion images. Thanks to some early birthday money I was able to have Kim of Nudeedudee make a magnificent ensemble for me that I can't wait to share once I'm in warmer climes.  Anyway, get ready for some of the most drool-worthy get-ups I've seen !!

knit fit, swoony sandals, sweet sailor accents

Hooded beach coat, rope sandals, adorable initialed bag, hint of a glamourous suit. Swoon!

Knitted top and cap, linen shorts, wood heeled beach shoes!!!  The chap is beyond dapper, too 

Halter made of silk scarves, adorable shorts, sweet little jersey t-shirt, perfect suspendered playshorts with contrast stitching. Have you fainted yet?

I sooo have to rock a kerchief scarf this summer.  Love the hint of a seersucker striped playsuit under that jacket on the gal at left....and LOOK at her gladiator sandals!!  I ADORE the blouse and trousers on the gal at right.

Polka dotted play or bathing suit and the most fantastic (and startingly modern) shoes EVER.  I want that beach bag with the sail boat applique visible behind this beauty and I wouldn't say no to a striped beach coat like the one on the gal at left.

Tea for two and BULLSEYE: one of the coolest little playsuits going!!

Final thought: what has happened to beach wear like this?? How far we have fallen!


  1. Wow so flattering and so wearable.

  2. Yeah! I don't see any neon green thongs anywhere! LOL

    Those are stunning outfits and you'd look great in all of em! What a fun trip! Hope it works out!

  3. Thanks for linking to my blog! I'm glad you enjoyed my post on 1930s fashion.

  4. Those shoes do look very modern indeed! I love all these outfits, especially the playsuits, I have becomed a little playsuit-obsessed recently.
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  5. AH! These are all wonderful. Can't wait to see the outfit you're getting, and I hope your trip pans out. That sounds absolutely heavenly!

  6. I am DYING over here!! This is like, my dream outfit post of all time.
    I'm so in love I can't speak proper English!

  7. Those shoes that are "modern" are AMAZING!!!! Love them!!!

  8. Adorable, I went on a med cruise with my then husband in the 1990's the liner was refurbished right back to the vintage of it's heyday, we had an upper deck luxury cabin, it was THE best holiday, I'd do it again on a vintage liner in a flash..... bon voyage Baroness!!

  9. Love, love, LOVE. I have to remember you can pair multiple patterns sometimes, like the gorgeous gal in the trousers, blouse and scarf on her head!

  10. I absolutely love the trouser and sweater combo in the first picture. I will be recreating that look this spring, thank you very much.

  11. ritournelleblog, thank YOU for having posted these amazing images which I have now shared with my lovelies!

    Let's all swoon now!
    Tasha: YES, I agree! We should be fearless with patterns this summer!

    Miss M: how DIVINE!! Our ship won't be a vintage one, but we hope to do some elegant ballroom dancing most evenings a la Fred & Ginger!

    Lauren: I was thinking of you when I posted these...I've seen you sporting similarly amazing ensembles so that may be why!

    thank goodness for the absence of thongs and neon, indeed, Trixie ;)

    Desiree: that's such a chic look! Definitely a must try for me as well!!

    Evie, Mo, Q: thank you!

    Carys: I saw your playsuit!!! soooo perfect! awesome!
    Emily: I almost fainted when I saw those shoes. I have a feeling I've seen a modern version of these somewhere. TOO fabulous, non?

  12. Lovely pics, I especially like the fashions shown in the first - that's how I want my summer wardrobe to look like - fun, chic, practical, sporty and stylish!

  13. Stop! You're tormenting me! We've barely had a summer here...

  14. Wonderful pics!!
    Cute blog!
    Follow me? I'd be very happy if you do it!
    Thank you so much!

  15. Oh my! I think I'm going to need a respirator! I want all those playsuits and shorts. And the hooded puff sleeve beach coat! Wow...

    xx Charlotte
    Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage

  16. oh my, I'm not quite sure how I landed here while eating my lunchtime sandwich, but these darling outfits caused me to stop mid-mouthful- and thats a rarity!!
    Thanks so much for such a lovely lot of pics- just off to have a look at etsy now :))

  17. FABULOUS!!! There's a chance I might be on a beach soon, as well (hope you get to go on your cruise!). I need one of everything!

  18. Oh My how I wish beach wear was still so lovely and stylish.
    Every single outfit is to die for, thanks for sharing these wonderful photographs.

  19. I know!! I cant believe beach wear used to be this glamorous! What happened to us!! We are so boring now! These images are stunning, that hooded robe... Swoon indeed!

  20. Love these images! And your right - what has happened to the glamor?
