Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Going Green, Racy Lacies, Part Two

Working my way through my mending piles, I unearthed this 1930s two piece knit set. It was originally destined for my shop after repair work to an underarm and the skirt waist elastic. Hehe, it may still get there (I'm not sure the skirt is a perfect fit & length and still deciding whether this shade of green suits). However, as we all know, 30s knits & crochetwear are my weakness (I'm sure I'm not alone on that front), so forgive me for hoarding it for a time.  Be forewarned I am possibly taking the 30s tapestry knitting bag that sorta matches it out of my shop, too.  Fair is fair, though. I've got a couple of other items from my closet going into the shop shortly, so it should all balance out!


  1. You HAVE to keep everything in that picture. It looks great on you!!

  2. Oooooooooh Lordy!!! That sure is pretty!! And my kind of green! :)

  3. that colour looks simply fabulous on you !!! green dress and red lipstick = divine !!

  4. What a beautiful set--no wonder you're tempted to keep it!

  5. I love the shade of green, and I think it looks lovely against your pale skin. x

  6. um...wow! totally perfect- you must keep it! (or give it to me...;)

  7. oh wow. that is gorgeous. Definitely a keeper

  8. Amazing set! I don't blame you....


  9. Wow! So beautiful! LOVE green.
    I have almost the same set in yellow!

  10. OMG That knitted top is absolutely the cutest. What an adorable outfit. I also grapple with the "In the closet, or in the shop?" issue, so I'm constantly pulling things out and putting others back in. It's like my own personal mini store. Love all the things in your shop!!

    Courtney xoxo

  11. Thanks for sending me a message! I am now fantasy shopping your outfit posts ;) I need to get on the ball and come up with a good way to take outfit posts -- may be time to invest in a tripod. gulp. Love this green number.

  12. It suits! It suits!
    That is pretty much my favorite color ever

  13. Love it!! I think that shade of green really compliments your complexion. Keep it!! :)

  14. thank you!!!! I know Ms. Dita Von Teese is a fan of this colour of green, so thought I'd give it a whirl!! Definitely have to swap some things from closet to shop, now, if I'm hoarding it! xoxo

  15. cute!! im always looking for good green dresses. p.s. gimme those shoes!!

  16. You look amazing! You need to keep that one for sure!

  17. The green definitely suits you and the silhouette looks great too. I'm always so envious of your '30s outfits, it's hard for me to find anything older than the 1950s here.

  18. Beautiful. That would look great with some bright yellow shoes...

  19. That looks FABULOUS on you! I vote for keeping but that's just me!

  20. Here go, Baroness, torturing us again, why only a teaser of this beautiful set? ¨Please, please, post more pics., focusing on details, more angles.
    You are just beautiful in this crochet. I have a serious case of envy now:(

  21. This green is a winner on you, and I can feel the Dita VT vibe. I love the knit top - sexy and refined at the same time. Keep It!

  22. Definitely suits you green, I too love green and I always wear it with red, I know controversial! x

  23. What a great outfit - well worth hanging onto. It's gorgeous how the bag matches so well.

  24. It's lovely, looks great, I say keep it!

  25. I absolutely LOVE that outfit! Beautiful shade of green and very chic.
    Isabelle x

  26. thanks again! Looks like it's a keeper!?!

    Desiree: You've read my mind. I'm saving for some awesome yellow shoes.

    Lauren: mm...yellow knit set!!! swoon!

    iz bakinog ormara: I'm still trying to work on my photography skills so I can do a few more interesting shots. stay tuned?! Don't be too envious. I'm a monomaniac--I search for vintage and wear vintage all day long. Really, you should pity me in my obsessiveness :) Besides, as I noted above, for every lovely going into my closet there will be another equally lovely item going into the shop for others to buy :)

  27. Oh my! This is delightful! You look really lovely in green, to boot.

  28. It's a good thing I'm chubby and poor or I'd be on this in a moment! =D Next best thing: seeing you in it. Keep it, please! Looks fabulous on you! ^_^

  29. Goodness! I adore this shade of green on you--it suits you very nicely. :) Plus one can never have too many 30s knit sets, right? ;)

    ♥ Casey

  30. Oh, I want a green knit suit (whine, whinge, and moan!) Tis not fair! It’s a really pretty colour on you too- looks super with your skin tone and hair colour…. And the shoes, the shoes- eek! You HAVE to keep it- its an order!
    Tups x

  31. What a beautiful outfit! I have asked about the tradition of St. Patrick's Day today, it's a fun idea! Love your sweater, soooo adorable!

  32. Baroness, once again you soar up, up, up... into the sky! You look absolutely lovely in green!

  33. Oh I think that shades suits you so well! Your dark hair and fair skin compliment it perfectly

  34. I think you look fabulous in that shade of green! And you look really fabulous in that whole outfit! Lucky, lucky you!

  35. love that shade of green. looks just right on you.
