Monday, March 7, 2011

Bakelite Bangles and the Cunard Quandry

Like many vintage lovers, I'm smitten with bangles of the bakelite and celluloid varieties.  However, as I gaze at this gorgeous photo of Nancy Cunard, I ask: can a girl ever have too many bracelets?  Do you wear your bangles solo or in groups like Ms. C?


  1. Both!Though I don't go to the elbow I may wear up to 6 sometimes,other times only 1 or 2

  2. I can barely remember to put jewelery on before I leave the house ^^ ; I wish I had that kind of bangle collection. Though they look mighty heavy!

  3. They do really make a statement when worn up to the elbow though, don't they? They're just so darned uncomfortable and noisy however, only for show. Have you seen the teacup bangles where the seller will shave off the bottom of the cup? I always wonder about the feasibility of those!

    BTW this reminds me that I've been trying to plow through Nancy's bio for about 10 yrs now, but it is unfortunately a chore! I preferred Julia Child's-- it seems that they have a similar background of blue blood upbringing, but Julia seemed to have really transcended what people expected of her.

  4. I do love to wear a lot of gold metal bangles at once as I think they make more of an impact!

  5. I tend to wear my (appaulingly) fake bracelets singularly.

  6. Nancy Cunard seems like she was a fascinating person, but may put her bio lower on my list, below Tamara de Lempicka's for now :) I know what you mean about the noisiness, K! I tried to wear just two and they kept clinking together everytime I moved my arm. I'm sure they are in no risk of breaking of chipping, but I couldn't help but fret a bit about damaging them (they were the celluloid ones). I HAVE seen those tea cup bangles and wonder what they would feel like on!

    art deco dame: I LOVE your adventurous and glamorous approach to bangles!!

    Miss Emmi: good point: Nancy Cunard's look like some are made of wood or wonders about the weight of the style!

    Hannah: ohh, gold metal bangles look great worn in numbers--Renee Perle loved to do that! So stylish!

    LandGirl1980: me too!

  7. I usually wear two or three on each wrist (a mix of bakelite and plastic) - I don't think I'd go so far as a complete armful like Nancy!

    xx Charlotte
    Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage

  8. I think they're cute in twos or threes, but I'm not a big fan of wearing them all over. It looks so heavy!
    Usually I end up taking them off after a little while and sticking them in my purse. Especially the time I wore them to church. CLUNK CLUNK. Oops?

  9. I have worn my bangle braclets (simple light summer painted wood braclets - nothing precious)stacked up on one arm in summer, and still do once in a while.I was inspired again to wear more braclets when I bought a wonderful illustrated book of Iris Apfel's wardrobe which she herself styled for the photographs taken by Eric Boman. Iris is a fashion icon who is now in her 80's and still a fashion maverick. The book is titled, Rare Bird of Fashion The Irreverent Iris Apfel. For anyone interested in fashion this is a must see book.

  10. I've never worn bangles up to the elbows on both arms before--I don't have that many! Usually I just wear 3 or 4 on my left arm.

    I need to make a vintage jewelry search around town soon. I'm feeling bored with just wearing pearl studs most of the time!

  11. I don't often wear bangles and I haven't actually got any vintage ones. I find I get very sweaty underneath them when I wear them and it sometimes causes irritation and occasionally, heatrash. Yuck.
    -Andi x
