Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1930s Fashion Show

Hurrah! It's March! My favourite month of the year (not just because I get to treat each day leading up to my birthday at the end of it as cause for mini-celebrations and prezzies)!!  To celebrate, I am sharing another glorious Glamour Daze vid.  Bring on the colour!!


  1. Great video! It is funny that the gowns and frocks were provided by King's in El Centro, CA. El Centro is definitely not the fashion mecca of California!!

  2. SO neat to see all these fashions in color! :) Love the second dress especially. ;)

    ♥ Casey

  3. my favourite one is at min.1,36/1,46 more or less,and their hats...just stunning

  4. I thought it was so neat to see the cars and the neighborhood. So fun to see the 30s in color!
