Sunday, January 30, 2011

Treasure Hunting in T.O.

Adventure-filled day yesterday in the City of Toronto.  After a fascinating experience watching my hubby get suited up for a friend's wedding over at Tom's Suits, I did a little vintage hunting.  Just when I was starting to get discouraged, I found some treasures that are eventually bound for the shop!

T.O.'s landmark CN Tower

Me caught in act of fondling vintage.

Yeee hawww. Thought I'd try some frocks on for fun.  40s/50s taffeta plaid hostess gown.  Not my style, and not in good enough condition for shop, but a dream to twirl around in.

The ultimate find: late 1920s-early 30s polka dotted beach pyjamas!!!!!

Gorgeous, generously sized celadon (or eau de nil?) early 30s silk chiffon gown

Not sure about this one: sold to me as a Victorian nurse's uniform.  I think it's later than than (label has size 34 on it), but am still trying to research it (anyone know what this is?)

Lovely later 40s floral nylon seersucker frock (needs some freshening, but it will be so lovely as someone's spring dress!).


  1. Oh goodness, how you've made me miss Toronto! Kensington market always has some interesting stuff.

    I adore those beach pyjamas, what an amazing find.

  2. Those beach pyjamas are gorgeous, that is one fabulous find x

  3. These are gorgeous, and the beach pajamas is the most amazing piece of vintage I've ever seen!!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  4. so great! did you buy the beach pajamas? i LOVE the black dress, though i also think it looks later than victorian, maybe 20s. all these items are gorge. and i love a good sheer dress!

  5. Polka dots + Beach Pyjamas = Vintage Heaven.
    that black dress looks 20s/30s, maybe a waitress uniform if uniform it is?

  6. Those beach pajamas are AMAZING!!!!! Fantastic find! They're gorgeous!

  7. AAAH!! BEACH PAJAMAS! Real ones!!

  8. No idea about the "nurse's uniform"--agree with honey hi that it looks later. It seems too short to be Victorian! It's neat, though. I hope you can find out its story. Now I want to go to Toronto!

  9. I want the pyjamas and the nurse's uniform, yes indeed!

  10. you in your checkered coat. pure perfection.

  11. Glad you made it there! I love Kensington Market :)

  12. Some lovely finds there. I too don't think the black dress is Victorian, it has to be later but I don't know any more than that - sorry.

  13. Ahh, the beach pyjamas- stuff of dreams! Some lovely finds, but the beach pj’s are my faves- I so can see myself prancing around on the sands in those…I say, bring on the summer!
    Tups x

  14. What marvellous finds especially those beach pjs!

  15. Kensington market was sooo fun! I can't get over the beach pyjamas myself (must try on for at least one photoshoot before I let them go). Thanks for the input on the black dress. I actually think I've found out what it is and will try to post more info on it soon!! Definitely agree it is too short to be Victorian. It has to do with a quasi-medical institution in NY (very creepy cool!). More soooooon!!!

  16. I LOVE those beach pajamas! So, so cute! What a great find.

  17. Oh these things are just gorgeous! I especially love the pale green chiffon dress - so airy and pretty. Great finds as always.

  18. Oh that green chiffon gown is so heavenly!

  19. Beach pyjamas are fab! they look like they should be in an Agatha Christie Poirot.

  20. What lovely finds--that last dress is gorgeous!

    ♥ Casey

  21. BUY the pjamas!!! Were it in the summer and accesories it with a 1920s umbrella and a long tall drink! :)

  22. Thanks, dolls! It ended up being a pretty fruitful vintage hunting day!

    I did buy the PJs. They just don't quite fit...yet. May need a beach pyjama reduction diet hehe
