Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Goodbye, Blue Birds!

Once upon a time, an amazing dress made its way to me.  As if by magic, it came at a time when I was contemplating some major life decisions and was looking for some sort of celestial guidance or signs that I was going in the right direction.  Some may find it silly to say, but my sign came in the form of this dress!!  It had the most glorious blue jay print on it..a most positively auspicious symbol, as blue jays were my beloved grandfather's favourite avian friends.  A year later, I've crossed the threshold to a new life. A glorious life filled with more quiet bliss and genuine contentmant than I ever thought possible.  Today, I decided it's time to let this piece of wearable luck and beauty fly forth into the arms of another vintage lover.  May these blessed blue jays bring whomever buys this special special frock the same joy!!


  1. This is gorgeous! You have such great taste honey. I wish I could pull off the vintage look! Kori xoxo

  2. so so pretty, you are such a dollface xx

  3. What a gorgeous dress and I love your sweet sentiment. :)

    ♥ Casey | blog

  4. rayon at its finest!!! i love that!

  5. So pretty! Why on earth are you letting this one go?!

  6. Beautiful beautiful. It will make someone very happy x

  7. How lovely, you look just beautiful in that dress!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  8. Thanks for the kind sentiments. This dress is one of a kind. Alas, it is just not quite my style (the photo is from over a year ago, when I was still defining my vintage style and before the dramatic hair chop!). In my heart, I know it's time to let it go, but wow, what a strangely emotional attachment I've had to it!! I'm sentimental like that. To be fair, my grandfather didn't give it to me or anything. It just had significant symbolism at the time. Now, I would feel despair watching it slowly decline from lack of use and enjoyment in my closet, so it's time to set it free. xoxo.
