Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Silver Belle: My New Year's Eve Eve Frock

The weather here has been so snowy and un-conducive to outfit posts that don't show me wearing a parka and ski pants that I am resorting to posting a "stock" photo of me taken earlier this year. Let me explain: We had decided to head to our favourite restaurant for a classy but lower key dinner on New Year's Eve, but it turns out we waited too long to make reservations for dinner on Dec. 31st, so we're celebrating New Year's Eve a night early tomorrow night (hence the New Year's Eve Eve bit).  The way things are now, we'll probably just stay home in our pjs on the actual NYE; anywhooo, since I am not risking whipping my coat off in the freezing winter snow tomorrow night to show you my dress, you will have to take my word on the fact that I shall be wearing my heavenly Able Grable Vintage Baroness frock for the occasion! In case I don't post again before NYE, HAPPY NEW YEAR, darlings!!!


  1. Wow- so stunning- I love the icy blue hues and silvery shoes!

  2. That dress is so lovely :) Happy new years to you too!

  3. Absolutely beautiful! Enjoy your dinner and happy new year!

  4. Gorgeous dress and I'm ever so jealous about those shoes!! Happy New Year to you my dear!

  5. You look beautiful! Have a wonderful New Year.

  6. That dress looks heavenly on you, and a great color choice; happy New Year!

  7. What a beautiful, beautiful dress, and you look lovely in it.

    New Years Eve Eve is a brilliant idea - all the fun of the traditional party but you wake up on 1st Jan with a sparkling clear head! Happy New Year.

  8. love it Baroness! you look straight out of an episode of Poirot!happy new year to you

  9. Lovely dress, happy new year to you!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  10. We're celebrating New Year's Eve Eve as well! It's become a tradition.

    Lovely dress, have a great time at your restaurant - cocktails for me, no food required...

    Miss P xx

  11. Happy new year darling!
    I hope that 2011 will bring you loads of luck,happiness and vintage!

    P.s The outfit is gorgeous as always!

  12. I completely understand about the lack of outfit photos due to winter weather. My biggest problem is that when I get up to go to work I am in too much of a rush to take a photo and then at the end of the day it is dark. Someday soon we will be able to take outdoor photos without dying of cold. Or else we will figure out how to take good indoor photos without natural light...
    Oh, and my husband is the bathing beauty in our household too! For Christmas I bought him Lush bathbombs and he was definitely not going to share them with me.

  13. Happy Happy New Year, everyone! If I don't get around to thanking each of you personally before the Ball drops and the clocks chime in the New Year, please know that I am thinking of each and every one of you and sending my warmest regards and heartiest gratitude for your visits to--and comments on--my blog!! xoxo

  14. You look SO gorgeous! And I like how you do your hair :)

    Happy new year,

    autumn coffee and inspiration

  15. Lovely dress, I would so love to own an Able Grable dress (especially one named after me, the fame!). I will certainly be in my pajamas tonight, it is a much nicer way to see in the new year than out getting pushed around by hordes of people x
