Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cute to Boot

Of course, many of us vintage gals have galoshes (or overboot[ies]), especially GAYTEES, on our list for winter must-have footwear...and with good reason, as they have the potential to protect our vintage heels like nothing else.  I had a pair of 30s Gaytees, but perhaps foolishly let them go because I found that vintage galoshes made of thin rubber don't always have enough traction or warmth for the icy, slippery winter conditions of the streets and roads where I live.  I think they are perfect when you are dashing from house to car or if you like the convenience of being able to slip these light overboots on and off, without having to lug a pair of heavily boots and shoes around with you.  However, for longer stints walking outdoors, I'd love a vintage pair of booties or boots; again, though, I must remember the fact that the salt and sand used on the icy roads can be staining and damaging to vintage footwear....and of course vintage boots of this sort in my size are scarce.  As a result, I've sort of got my eye on a cute pair of vintage inspired booties by Trashy Diva.  Made of leather and fabric and with a giant bow in front I think they are just adorable!! Does anyone own these booties? Are they warm and good quality?  Any other vintage repro boots anyone can recommend?

Vintage 30s/40s fur trimmed overboots, Dingaling

1930s Gaytees ad, Cemetarian

Victorian by way of 30s/40s inspired booties, Trashy Diva


  1. i know trashy diva she has a lot of wonderful clotes..regarding these boots i particularly like the ones in the 1st pic

  2. I love booties as well! They are really stylish right now, so you can probably find a cute pair anywhere!

  3. I still haven't found a pair of boots that I fall over myself for. Well, I've found a lot of amazing ones in tiny sizes or out of my budget! :( I love those ones by trashy diva. Totally cute! I wonder if they come in brown....Thanks for the tips on golashes. I was bidding on a pair the other day but forgot about the auction and lost! *heh* I tend to not be very graceful on the ice, so maybe it's better off that I lost! :)

  4. Does "I used to" count? Love these! I don't know where Francy Frocks lives, but I can't find these cute booties ANYWHERE I live, and darn it if I don't live in a metropolitan city. Hmmm, what gives?

    Hello, Missus J!

  5. i'd love the trashy diva boots, and the Miss L Fire boots, but so expensive! xx

  6. Love the boots, love that movie, love Ginger!

    And dear Baroness, I'm sure you've gotten one already, but I just gave you a "One Lovely Blog Award" over on my blog! Tag! You're it!


  7. I haven't gone sleuthing in the malls, in part because it's a small trek into the city to do so and I want something that is going to last me. This is why I am wondering how good quality the Trashy Diva boots might be. If they are good stitched leather then I wouldn't mind paying a higher price for one amazing pair of boots, as opposed to having to replace or repair a cheaper mass produced pair that is going to wear out after one season. This is how I approach footwear, AnnieLindsay-Smith...as we say in our family, sometimes you have to "buy the best and cry once," to avoid paying for cheaper footwear that ends up being more costly in the long run.

    Nancy, thanks for the award!!!
