Friday, October 15, 2010

Oktoberfest, Hawktoberfest: Gearing Up, Collegiate Style

Happy Friday!  Not sure what I'm going to be up to this weekend, though it is "Oktoberfest" in the village and "Hawktoberfest" at my husband's alma mater, which means football games.  If we're going to Oktoberfest, I had better get out my stretchy pants, as this means beer and bratwurst!  If I'm going to be spending time watching college football, I tried out what I would wear: probably something inspired by early 1930s casual/collegiate wear (see below for the images I drew from for the outfit). 

Outfit Details:
Beret: Jacob clothing
Sweater jacket: 1960s or 70s, was a gift from my grandmother years ago (oopsy forgot to button one button).
Neck scarf: thrifted 
Tweed Skirt: Puttin' on the Ritz
1930s oxfords: etsy


  1. Your dedication knows no bounds my love. You are an inspitation.

  2. You are always so perfectly put together!! I am jealous that you get to wear chilly clothes. :( Still too hot here in Phx!

  3. You look amazing as always

  4. Lovely! I'm so envy of that sweater!

  5. I love your cardigan. It looks so warm

  6. this, like the best outfit ever!! i love it to bits and bits!

  7. oh goodness...thanks!! I've almost worn that old sweater to's like a security blanket with me. I actually wore this to the post office today and the lady behind the counter said, "that sweater looks like it is well-loved"!

  8. You look great, as usual. And I have to agree with everybody else. That sweater looks wonderful.

  9. that lady at the post office is "polite", isn't she? ;)
    thanks for posting the catalog images too!

  10. That sweater is so exquisite and looks wonderfully cosy! Hope you have the lovliest time washing down that bratwurst with beer, so jealous :P

  11. Oh oh oh! That sweater - it is instant love. I have always adored that colour, and it has pockets and such a cute cable knit. LOVELY.

  12. You look so snug and warm and cosy! Great outfit!

  13. This is my favourite out fit of yours! I am Tres jelouse of that sweater. x

  14. Fall suits you so much! I'm so envious of your 30s oxfords - I found the perfect pair, and alas, they didn't fit me!
