Thursday, October 21, 2010

Better in Black and White

The black and white flooring has been installed in the bathroom (that's the floor in the collage background, but at an earlier pre-grouted stage), my new early 30s black celluloid hat with white and black pin has arrived (though a little flattened...silly postal person who squashed the box it was in!!), and I've got my absolute favourite early 30s black with white and black striped trim dress out of storage and ready for a night out on the town to celebrate the end of the renovation ordeal. I'd say things are better in black and white chez Baroness.  More pics of the room (slated to be finished by the weekend...if the renovation gods allow) are forthcoming...


  1. mmmmm,my favorite floor pattern!
    (and what a gorgeous background it makes too)

  2. Yay! It will be really exciting to have a new bathroom...the tiles are great. I also love your dress and new hat!

  3. Wonderful flooring and I'm not surprised that frock is a favourite - you have the glow of a woman who will soon be saying goodbye to the builders!

  4. You always manage to look so 'put together'. I am sat here in the shame of jeans and a cardigan. Poirot would weep at the lack of elegance.

    Miss P xx

  5. I love the tiles, and your dress is literally the most amazing thing I've ever seen!!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  6. Loving the tile! And loving that dress. Wow wow wow. Too pretty.

  7. The tiles (and your dress) look great! It must be such a relief to have the renovation all done.

  8. Gorgeous darling, both you and the floor! x

  9. I'm loving the floor already, grout or no grout! Pretty dress.

  10. Ooh lovely! Wish I could replace my blue plastic bathroom floor with those beauties...

  11. Fingers crossed I can show you the full room by this weekend!!!
    As ever, thank you all for your lovely comments and compliments!

  12. Lovely dress. Lovely tiles. Ooh you are so LOVELY! :)

  13. Congrats for the renovation! And your black and white outfit looks great.

  14. Love your floor *and* your dress! Sometimes it really is best to get back to the basics.

  15. Beautiful! Love the dress and hat! The tiles are beautiful- looks like it will be worth the torture :)

  16. I love black and white flooring! I can't wait to see the done pictures!

  17. you're always so pretty Baroness! what is your secret???!!!

  18. you look lovely in black and white and so does your floor! :0

    unfortunately for me it's not a good color combination - although one that i really like - and i have actually been thinking about it since interviewing for a job with a company that has it in their dress code. those of you who might work in retail will know that all companies have a uniform or dress standard - and lately if i am being honest i got pretty sick of it all. why can't i have a job where i wear my own clothes/clothes in the colors that i pick?! anyway, i am getting off the subject...

  19. We're ALMOST there. The bathtub has its legs installed now. Might have to give a little peeksy soon.

    Katia: oh, dear. I am so flattered. Thank you. I'm constantly trying to refine my style, mostly by following the fashion advice of people like Coco Chanel. The older I get, the more I must remind myself that less is often more on me. Keep things simple (example: my outfit in the image consists of three pieces: a black dress with neat collar, a hat, and shoes). I'm trying to work more accessories into my wardrobe, but I always look "off" if I wear too many busy things or too much bright makeup, etc.

    garofit: Yeah, uniforms SUCK. I worked retail for MANY a year (to put myself through my undergraduate and graduate degrees), so I do relate to that sense of rebellion against uniforms and all that they symbolize. In Canada, the colors of the dreaded uniforms can vary widely; in the clothing business, workers are usually expected to buy their work clothes from the shop they work at, but otherwise don't have uniforms. At the grocery store I worked at for most of my undergrad, we were forced to wear these horrible white polyester dresses with bright blue and red trim, so I used to actually LONG for a black or black or white uniform, i.e. the kind of outfits my friends in the restaurant business got to wear (i.e. many mid-range restaurant servers are allowed to wear all black or a white shirt with black skirt, which, to me, was like heaven compared to the atrocious poly nightmare I had to live in for about four years). At a cheese and wine shop I later worked at, the manager and I had a spat over the fact that some girls who still had the chicer old uniform pieces consisting of a fitted black t-shirt and black pants could still wear these figure-friendly items, while newer employees like me had to wear this atrocious and shapeless sallow beige men's dress shirt with hideous black pants. I digress: sometimes, white near my face creates a dreadful effect , but if I adjust my foundation and powder/bronzer colors and wear red lipstick, I find I can get through.

  20. the thing is, i don't wanna just get through. since i spend so much time at work i want to be pleased with how i look. i agree it is not as bad as other places, and i can wear my own things - as long as they are black and white. but i don't want to buy things in black or white, if i can help it, i've been making a conscious effort not to lately and have in fact been selling away stuff i own in those colors. i just think i am too old to be told what to wear really.
    anyway, i didn't get the job yet, and i'm not sure i want it for several other reasons. thanks for sympathizing :)!
